

Welcome to my blog. I am a writer, a voice actor, a working mom, an audiobook narrator, a singer and a Crossfitter. I love health and wellness, animals, the outdoors, rock ‘n roll and adventures of all kinds. I’m also a bit of a process junkie! I believe we’re all Students of Life, and we’re here to learn and grow together. Let’s have a good time, support each other through the tough spots and spread some light while we’re here!

Walking the Walk

Walking the Walk

As protests around the country continue, sparked by the police murder of George Floyd, and boiling over after hundreds of years of violence, murder and oppression, our hearts are collectively filled with grief, rage and dis-ease. This is painful. There is no getting away from that fact. 

I’ve been wanting to write for days. It would be easy to simply turn off the tv, avoid social media and disappear into my little bubble, but in my heart I am certain that is no longer an acceptable option. This is a defining moment in history and we need to take sides, stand up and be a part of the Revolution. The time has come; indeed, it’s long overdue. 

Many of us white people want to be allies, but might not know how. It starts with self-education. I am learning more each day. Some of what I have heard in the past few days: It is not enough to be not racist (even though this is actually impossible as a white person having been brought up in this society), we must be anti-racist. To be anti-racist, we must actually do something, step out of our comfort zones, become actively involved, speak out, and use our privilege to help make change happen. (Here’s a potent example of this )

If I am not helping the situation, I am part of the problem. It’s not okay to hit “like” or “angry” or” sad” on a few posts and then go about my day, or cry for five minutes about the latest atrocity, post about it and flip off the tv. Posting is important because it displays support and solidarity and it can help to educate and raise awareness, but it can’t end there. it’s the very tip of the iceberg. 

I need to use my own words, and more importantly take my own actions, to support Black and Brown lives out there in the world. I need to listen and believe black and brown voices. I need to address systemic racism in my own home and my own community. Some of the ways I can do this beyond (the more obvious) writing letters, making phone calls and engaging in peaceful protest? Reading, following and taking classes from BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) leaders, having conversations about color and racism with our child, ensuring that there’s diversity in the schools/classes she attends and in the books and shows she watches, using my voting power and purchasing power to support people and businesses of color. These are just some of the things I can do.

In the past, when I’ve thought about moving too far out of my comfort zone (we all have our own little zone, don’t we? Where we feel like we’re doing something, but not actually taking any kind of bold step, “risking” much, or getting too uncomfortable), I get pushback in my own brain. This resistance most certainly stems from my white privilege and sounds something like this:

I‘m not one to get overly political; I prefer to dwell in arts and mysticism. I don’t want to fight, I want to love. Juggling work, childcare and the pandemic leaves me with little time or bandwidth. I need to keep my vibration high. The news is too upsetting/anger provoking/depressing. I don’t want to vibrate at a lower level/get sucked in to anger, depression, and despair. I can work on an energetic level, healing myself and the world around me. 

All of these things are true…but I call bullshit. I call total bullshit on myself and anyone else who thinks that these things excuse us from taking action in the physical world. To help bring about the change that we so desperately need, we need to jump in. We don’t need to live there twenty four hours/day; everyone requires time and space for self care and decompression. But right now we need boots on the ground

And how about this radical idea: What about doing it from a place of joy and love? Can I reframe what it means to take action, or rewire the emotions that seem tied to doing this kind of work? What if I tap into my deepest resource - my connection with Spirit - and move from a place of absolute love and positivity, letting that guide me along the path? There are many examples of this to aspire to: Martin Luther King Jr. and Mother Teresa come to mind off the top of my head, to name a few.

It’s easy to jump on a bandwagon when the spotlight is on and a situation is inflamed. I pledge to do my very best now and always to continue evolving and being a part of the solution, and to humbly find my way back when I stumble or stray.

Below are some links to recent things I’ve found helpful. There are so many incredible resources out there right now, with more popping up every day.

Watch (and follow these folks!):

This public address on the Revolution by @rachel.cargle (with valuable resources for continuing education included in her link tree!)

This informative conversation between @jessicayellin and @socioligistray about the killing of George Floyd, history of police violence, how to be an ally, what it means to be a racial equity broker and more.

This Instagram Live about being Anti-Racist between two members of the Spiritual community, @emmazeck and @thelovelyalea 


Dear White People, I Can’t Do Anything with Your Feelings by Byron Armstrong

5 Racist Anti Racist Responses “Good” White Women Give by Katie Anthony

Your Black Colleagues Might Look Like They’re Ok, They’re Not by Danielle Cadet

No One is Coming to Save Us by Roxane Gay

75 Things White People Can Do for Social Justice by Corinne Shutack

Anti Racism Resources (links to even more reading, resources, etc.)

Specifically for families with children:

100 Race Conscious Things You Can Say to Your Child

Your Kids Aren’t Too Young to Talk About Race

Raising Race Conscious Children

Embrace Race

Please feel free to join the conversation and share your thoughts/feelings, or any other resources you have found helpful! Sending love and peace your way.



Greetings from Home Base

Greetings from Home Base